I have always been fascinated by the concept of "living water" that takes human like shapes.


So the inspiration for an evil elder god that my players end up calling forth during the game, it came in the form of a huge cloud I saw once, it kind of had the shape of a star destroyer, and then I was all like "Can you imagine a huge cloud like demon raining hell on earth?"

So that was the source of ideas that lead me to create him, he's basically a sickly yellowish cloud with orange electricity crackling around, after it takes over the entire sky around the place it was summoned it stars raining a bright yellow colored water that stings the eyes so bright it is. Yellow stinky and eldritch rain!

The players had to prepare a special shaped pool and the yellowish water accumulated there started taking ever changing humanoid forms and talking to players.

It looked and felt very eldritch my players really liked and keep saying how original it looked.
Can't remember the name I gave him tough :<

But yeah a cloud was my inspiration.