Quote Originally Posted by demonslayerelf View Post
It you're actually making literal one-time mooks, I'll... Still disagree. If the PC's are meant to feel unstoppable, sure, MAYBE. But even the little mooks should have at least 3 options in combat. It makes monsters look WEAK AF when all they do is the one thing each round. "Each one is going to make a 1d4 claw attack this turn." Regardless of how much fluff you put over it, when players do 2~4 things EACH, or at least cast one badass spell and do another thing, most rounds of combat. Most creatures have ONE action they can do(Rolling "Attack" into one; Hurl Flame, Weapon Attack, Claw Attack, etc. into one. Other things on the table, though.) Even if they make, say, 2 attacks each turn, or each attack carries a "Make a saving throw" effect, or even if the attacks are powerful, that's still only attacking, when players will be Raging, Flurry of Blowsing, spellcasting and picking their nose; ANYTHING else. The Biggest of BBEG's don't even get bonus actions.

THAT. Is a problem. I'm making 4 Strahd statblocks right now; The smallest is still 2 pages.
They have a little more variability than you are giving them credit for. Remember that their spear attack is still exist and the variant: deep one warlock is still there. They can make at the very least three different attacks between claw+spear, throw spear, or spell-casting. They do have at least three options to go with.

Quote Originally Posted by demonslayerelf View Post
Debatable, but I am out of time, so I'll concede.
I would prefer a metric that only works half the time over the non-existence of a metric. That is my mentality at the very least.