Quote Originally Posted by DigoDragon View Post
Doc made an amused snort. "Your lucky day then, since I happen to know Sari. That's part of the reason I mentioned wanting to come with ya back at the factory." He shouldered his gear.

"Ready when you are, T."
Thanatos snorted, and stepped forward towards the town gates; they were unlocked and seemed recently oiled. Silently, the stallion quickly slipped through.

Quote Originally Posted by Forum Explorer View Post
Watch out for the mine. Moonshadow said, pointing it out. Anyways, you guys can do what you want, but I'm going to check up on Seaweed, and then see if I can snag a place to sleep.
"I'll watch the skies." Stellar offered from about five feet off the ground, before shaking her head; she now sounded slightly worried. "If the Guild is still here, though, or even Nightcore, flag me over so I can be there. We've had too many issues with unicorns popping up and causing trouble ever since we got here."

Quote Originally Posted by Hazuki View Post
Viridia decided to see what Fan Knife was doing, because she has no idea what's happening in Oakville and there's nothing in there that interests her.
The filly waited until everyone exited the bus, and waited specifically for Strata and the dog (the unicorn seemed intent on giving him a 'walk', possibly to avoid going into a actually town) to leave before turning towards Viridia. Soon, the bus was mostly empty, except for the snoring cyborg unicorn and the dozens of stumpy freaks. She yawned. She looked bored.

"If you got someone in there you want dead, I'll kill them for you." she said nonchalantly, looking down at Viridia from her high perch, her blue eyes the most visible thing about her in the gloomy lighting, "You look like you could use a dead enemy. It's dark, the weather's crap, and none of you're friends would even notice. No point in not having any closure. If I didn't kill most of my sister's enemies, she'd be a lot worse off. Besides," she paused, and her voice took on a slightly perky tone, "I'm probably not killing any Olive's tonight, and I just waiting for the big one to do something stupid, so I need to let off some steam."

In fact, she has negative interest, due to the probably presence of The Ugly Barnacle.
Hey, that's no way to talk about Glorious Dawn. But anyway, you shouldn't shame Seaweed like that. It's hard to make dark green hair look good, youknow?