Quote Originally Posted by Hootman View Post
It looks like I might finally be able to get back into 40k, after having to drop it pretty much since 8th has been out. I know 8th changed a good deal, but I've heard that Orks are pretty good despite the lack of a dedicated codex. That being established, any suggestions for how to step back into the game? Specifically what to bring for Orks? I think I'd like to stick to whatever the lowest sane point values are for a few weeks before I bust out a proppa Waaagh! again.

I also have a few handfuls of Guard, GKs, AdMech (Skitarii), Tzeentch Marines, and Slaaneshi Daemons if any of those would be recommended higher for re-beginners.
Build them old school my dude, pick a Clan and model them after their favorite strategy. But heres a few of the bigger ideas:

Stormboy Hammer, Kommando Anvil: 90 Stormboyz lead by Zagstruk, 30 Kommandos lead by Snikrot (all in 5 man squads with 2 burnas, cuz duh), remaining points in some Big Guns and a KFF Big mek for you anti vehicle and whatever else you'd like.

Green Tide: All of the boyz. Who needs vehicles when you can just drown your opponent in corpses? Sprinkle Banners and Warbosses to taste.

Kan Wall: The Kan wall is back and it works...well enough. Each Kan is backed by a KFF Big Mek (or a Gorkanaut) and then you through in Boyz (or Stormboyz) to taste.

Theres more, Biker spam probably still works and i know that the Battlewagon Brigade still does the only real hard nos are:

Lootas: These old boyz took us through the bad times, always there killing stuff for us, but they just don't cut it anymore.

Stompa: Its an overpriced mess that takes up half your army and requires the support of the other half to actually get anything done. Do yourself a favor and just run 2 Nauts (never thought it say that) or half a dozen Deff Dredds.

Everything else is either good or only overcosted a bit.