Quote Originally Posted by Rater202 View Post
How Old even is Tai and the rest of his team?

I mean, honestly, Qrow and Raven don't look that much older than the students, minus Ruby and even then.

I'm seriously wondering if Yang wasn't a late teens pregnancy from a one night stand and Raven left as soon as Yang wasn't completly dependant on her, with this experiance leading to Taiyang valuaing qualities other than hotness in a mate and finding genuine love with Summer.

Possibly with Summer, being a teammate of Raven and Tai, out of the goodness of her heart offering to help care for Yang and one thing leading to another.

You know, like one of the less extreme, shorter-lived soap operas.
Until something inevitably happens to disprove this, this is my headcannon. Also, I might be in the minority on this, but I don't want Raven to be redeemed. Not that I don't think she's irredeemable (I don't think anyone is) but it's it's definitely beyond the abilities of the writers to do it satisfactorily. Especially since she has several of the traits of a sociopath (or at least the hollywood version of one): Lack of empathy towards others, compulsive lying to herself and others, extreme selfishness, poor long-term thinking...