Quote Originally Posted by LaZodiac View Post
The implication I gathered is that Ozpin had obtained the maidens at a relatively early age. Regardless, we've seen first year students capable of doing some badass things, even some degree of combat training at the COMBAT SCHOOL SHE LIVES AT can be expected, yeah? Like, it feels like something one should do. We know that the Spring Maiden was taught combat at HER school house, but she broke under the pressure. Presumably Amber didn't since she was allowed to go horse riding out on the country side while Drunkle Qrowe kinda wobbled after her.
No, what I mean, what if she was already a civilian teenager when she got the maiden powers. She never went to a combat school like Signal, let alone a Hunsman Academy like Beacon, and she was too old to start once she got her powers.

Maybe, just maybe, she merely has a crash course in how to use her magic and no direct knowledge of how to fight with or without it, unlike Cinder or Raven who do have combat training(Raven at the very least is a fully trained Huntress and I think it's implied that Cinder is older than she looks.)