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    Bugbear in the Playground
    LordCdrMilitant's Avatar

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    Mar 2017
    Inner Palace, Holy Terra

    Default Re: Things I May No Longer Do While Playing XI: I May Not Postpone Naming My Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Guizonde View Post
    in the words of trooper cant (tanith 1st): " you fething watch me!"

    i feel like i'm probably gonna need to call a few choice orbital bombardments on that one, though. i mean, necron invasions are like tokyo. if they're intact, throw godzilla at it. preferrably from very, very, very high. twice, if possible.
    The party had actually spent some of it's Req on close air support from a squadron of Thunderbolt Heavy Fighters, which helped them out in that fight. Really, those fighters were the heroes of the day.

    Spoiler: Examples of some of my larger encounters

    XV104 Riptide Battlesuit, 12 Breachers, 3 Stealth Suits, 1 Suit Commander w/ Markerdrones, 3 Crisis Suits w/ Markerdrones

    2x Hammerhead Tank, 2x Great Knarloc, 24x Fire Warrior Strike Team, 18x Crisis Suits, 9x Broadsides, 6x Stealth Suits, 48x Tactical Drones

    120x Genestealers, 1x Broodlord

    60x Boyz, 1x Battlewagon, 10x Nobz, 1x Big Mek, 1x Warboss

    1x Chaos Sorcerer, 1x Chaos Lord, 250x Cultists, 340x Chaos Astartes, 34x Chaos Rhino, 1x Chaos Predator, 25x Havocs, 27x Cultist Heavy Weapons Teams, 4x Soul Grinder, 2x Bloodthirster, 1x Keeper of Secrets, 15x Rubrics, 30x Bezerkers, 10x Noise Marines, 25x Plague Marines.

    An upcoming fight I'm planning for my DW party will involve a Heirophant Bio Titan. However, there's also going to be a Shadowsword hanging around that the party will probably need to rescue so it can help them kill the titan.
    Last edited by LordCdrMilitant; 2018-02-21 at 07:01 PM.
    Guardsmen, hear me! Cadia may lie in ruin, but her proud people do not! For each brother and sister who gave their lives to Him as martyrs, we will reap a vengeance fiftyfold! Cadia may be no more, but will never be forgotten; our foes shall tremble in fear at the name, for their doom shall come from the barrels of Cadian guns, fired by Cadian hands! Forward, for vengeance and retribution, in His name and the names of our fallen comrades!