Quote Originally Posted by Peelee View Post
I feel very similarly to you, with one notable exception: I still think the move was bad just because it was bad. Ain't no feminist agenda other than more representation, which I don't care about in either direction. Yay representation, why not. Boo bad movie.
Quote Originally Posted by Lethologica View Post
I feel like the political agenda thing gets blown up way more on both sides of the fan reaction than was in the movie itself.
Agreed. From what little I've heard of the politics of the filmmakers, I'm frankly on board with them. That doesn't make the movie any better though. The problems with the characters and plot exist regardless of any intentions the filmmakers had or have. Sure, they should ignore anyone who complains about the new main character being a woman, that's obvious. But it's also not the what most people criticize about the film, at least not unless the criticisms I've seen are a vastly smaller proportion of the whole than they appear to be to me.