Quote Originally Posted by Typewriter View Post
It's been a while since I read the comic so maybe I'm forgetting something but I'm currently wondering if maybe Ysengrin isn't actually Coyote. Like, maybe Coyote made himself into a wolf long ago but also remained himself. He's spent all this time tormenting himself and eating his own memories and now, just for fun, he sacrificed himself to his other self and later Ysengrin will remember that he was coyote all along. I feel like, when dealing with characters with this level of omnipotence, anything is in the realm of possibility.
This theory is out there, I love it. Perhaps he is Reynardine as well?

Quote Originally Posted by Typewriter View Post
Another odd thought. If I'm not mistaken a facet of this whole 'etheric' power thing is that the future can have an impact on the past - this is essentially why Kat is seen as a god in the Ether - because later (now?) she's being worshipped as a god by robots. We've seen Ysengrin in the Ether haven't we and he was just himself - wouldn't this mean that he never becomes the god we are now seeing him become? Again, omnipotence is confusing.
Pretty sure Ysengrin looked golden and shiny in the Ether - while not as godlike as Coyote or Kat, he definitely doesn't look "just like himself". That definitely fits with the implied power level (or something) of Yesangrin and Reynardine - they never were said to be particularly powerful gods, if gods at all. If I remember correctly.