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Thread: Predictions for Star Wars Episode 9

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    Bugbear in the Playground
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    Default Re: Predictions for Star Wars Episode 9

    Quote Originally Posted by Lethologica View Post
    That's an odd way to put it. I don't think your clarification is anything to apologize for. If I want anything from you, I suppose it's sone of the comments or commentaries that informed your impression of the political agenda.
    Well, I have read so much and watched so much.....but I think this was first:

    Note the title of the article:
    "Star Wars: The Last Jedi Offers the Harsh Condemnation of Mansplaining We Need in 2017"

    In it, Laura Dern says something about her role, and she days something Rian Johnson had been saying.

    Before that, I simply thought she was a stupid leader figure that made little sense to me.
    After that article, I first thought that well, it's just vanityfair's opinion, right? (although they do quote an actress of the movie who says something the director has can guess whether it was true or not).

    Then I clicked through various other articles that were linked in that article, and in other articles and so forth and so forth.

    I eventually landed at videos from this lady (who calls herself feminist):
    (there are quite a couple vids by her - wanring: offensive language )

    Once you dive into youtube, there are TONS of videos, although quite a lot are - to be blunt - made by a*sholes who I don't want to be associated with, so it's a bit of work to separate the good from the bad.
    For example, this one shows how Kathleen Keneddy praises Johnson for writing awesome female characters:

    Please note again that I don't despise that mission - I despise the execution.
    I don't think Rian Johnson's characters are awesome. Neither the male nor the female ones, for that matter.

    There is that picture:
    (if it doesn't work, just google "the force is female")

    I mean, what is that about?

    If that is not about promoting women, then what is it?

    Note again that I WANT more female leads in movies, if only for the selfish reason that I like watching them (*kiss* Rogue One).

    So, I can't be entirely sure what Kathleen Keneddy or Rian Johnson really think about, it seems they do have an agenda to put more women into movies. Which I wholeheartedly agree with.
    What I don't know is how much into "feminist" territory they want to go. "The force is female" can be a slogan "Take SW away from men!", or it can simply mean "Yay, we finally did it an have Jedi as well!". It's hard to tell. I think it rather leans in the latter, personally, but who knows?
    That's why I brought that aspect up many many pages ago when we were talking about the Holdo fiasco.
    The Holdo story (see vanityfair) was the first instance where I really wondered whether there actually was some feminist agenda behind the camera. Because her character just didn't make sense to me - why invent her when you have Leia and Admiral Ackbar at your disposal, both characters many people wanted to see more of?

    And then there is the problem that many people (myself included) have complained about a lot of problems with the movie that have NOTHING to do with feminism. But the movie makers responded in a way that almost completely ignored all the real problems and instead argued about gender stuff, and how people who didn't like the movie were sexist or whatever.

    For example, my two main problems have nothing to do with gender at all.
    1) Why is Rian Johnson treating Luke Skywalker so insanely badly?
    -> Rian Johnson later sorta gave an answerm and I think that answer sucked big time.
    2) The entire Casino trip made not the slightest sense, neither cinematically, nor story-wise, nor by logic
    -> and this is never discussed, to my knowledge

    To sum it up: I still don't know how much feminist agenda influenced the movie being bad. I "know" that the creators wanted more cool women - which I agree with - and put more cool women in TLJ - which I think failed big time.

    PS: Sorry for the mess - it's hard to remember where I got what from, and to find all these youtube movies and articles again.

    To lighten things up:
    For everyone who hasn't seen it yet, the HISHE people have made a movie that happens to be 300%* better than the original, even though it's only crappy cartoon graphics and only 5 minutes. Enjoy

    (the first couple minutes are mostly comedy, but the second half is epic!)

    *except the Porg scene - that one was actually better in the original movie
    Last edited by Mightymosy; 2018-03-07 at 07:04 PM.
    Boytoy of the -Fan-Club
    What? It's not my fault we don't get a good-aligned female paragon of promiscuity!

    I heard Blue is the color of irony on the internet.

    I once fought against a dozen people defending a lady - until the mods took me down in the end.
    Want to see my prison tatoo?

    *Branded for double posting*
    Sometimes, being bad feels so good.