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    Colossus in the Playground
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    Default Re: Class and Level Geekery XV - What's the Damage of a Thrown Pineapple?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gluteus_Maximus View Post
    I'm not an expert on 2/3/.5e mechanics, but wouldn't Serini need at least 13 Charisma in order to be even able to consider taking a level of Paladin?
    "Prime requisite requirements" are a thing in older editions, not 3rd ed/3.5. There are no minimum stat requirements - though in practice, a casting stat too low, for a spellcaster, makes them effectively unusable.

    Generally speaking, nobody wants to play an Int 8 wizard, for example.

    Low Charisma makes some of a paladin's class features not function well (Divine Grace, for example)


    But if the player wants a low Charisma paladin, they can have one. Their spellcasting, at least, is Wisdom-dependant, not Charisma-dependant.
    Last edited by hamishspence; 2018-03-12 at 09:15 AM.
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