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    Titan in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Default Re: MLP roleplay// Seed Giver: Mistmane Legacy

    Pippin chuckle: " You are welcomed big buy! "

    He heads to the exit next to Fluttershy. He say: " Well it went better then what I expected. You truly have a gift with animals. "


    Blck seem to understand: " Aw, that explains it! Yeah I being told we would get a new cook this week. You still need to get that shower, protcole and all that. But once you are done, I'll show you the kitchen. I'll also call the owner in the meantime. Here," he gibe a basket full of stuff to take a shower.

    " Dont worry, the water is hot. Enjoy it!"
    Last edited by Emmerlaus; 2018-03-18 at 04:46 PM.