Because I'm at a loss what to do from here, I'm going to try and kick this back into gear, acting as though Phalnirr had a good long talk with the Bluff rank-less Bulk Bogan, and confirmed he was safe. I was busy all the past 2 weeks with my schools production of Footloose, but it's done now, so time to try and keep this from dying.

Phalnirr, Magnificent Monstrousity
Level 18 Abjuration Wizard//Level 20 Mindchemist Alchemist

Phalnirr contacts the rest of the council mentally, through Dogen. "It seems that Bulk is still dedicated to the Council, albeit rather crude, and the more mundane golems are as robotic as can be expected, but they follow orders to a T, which has it's merits, I suppose. How are things on your ends, Khrys, Aria?"