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Thread: OOTS #1117 - The Discussion Thread

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    Barbarian in the Playground

    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Default Re: OOTS #1117 - The Discussion Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Snails View Post
    Speculation: The IFCC have a plan, but it requires a Gate not be seized by Xykon. Thus they considered Roy destroying Girard's Gate a necessary tactical choice.

    The most plausible version of that plan is that is that IFCC thinks they can seize a Gate themselves. Of course, that speculation has the weakness that we do not know of any substantial resources on hand to accomplish such.

    Clearly they think they can pay back Tiamat in some fashion. Of course, maybe that was just a ruse -- the payment of the death of upteen Good dragons is a side effect of world destruction, and Tiamat will be disappointed by a payment that involves upteen more Evil dragons biting the dust, too.

    Occam's Razor suggests that the IFCC is just contractors working for Hel. While a simple and adequate explanation, I find it very unsatisfying.
    They also told Tiamat that it was part of a plan to overthrow the gods of Good...which would actually describe Hel's plan pretty well, too.

    Eh. I mean, it actually is an acceptable explanation for the tiny, tiny scraps we've been given, the simple fact of their extreme stinginess with information suggests that there's still more to it than that. Certainly, Hel doesn't seem to be acting like she has other allies besides Thrym.

    Also, they told Vaarsuvius that "we don't have to lie to you when we can get what we want by playing it straight," which is an obvious deviation from "we're not lying to you because we can get what we want by playing it straight". As such, I'm waiting for at least one significant falsehood from them regarding the deal.
    Last edited by TRH; 2018-04-18 at 09:46 PM.