I don't think a summary of the
Quote Originally Posted by The_Jackal View Post
good points and bad points
from a 2+ hour video is too much to ask for. Or just pull out the 1 or 2 you want to discuss most.

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
I know a lot of people have their reasons, but I still don't think the classic server is going to be long-term successful. Imagine you get transported back into high school with adult memories, experience, and competencies. Even your SO/best friends... you couldn't relate to them at all. You're different.

Quote Originally Posted by MCerberus View Post
What I think people want is more modern WoW where realms matter again. Where if you see someone on the gulch, IT'S ON. Where you meet someone who invites you to tag along on farm content, leading you to a new guild. They want alliances, and ad-hoc PvP events, the heroes, the heels, the "personalities", the clique channels. The server is its own story, and people want to be one of all these things. Hell, I was in a "heel" guild all through vanilla. The best times.

I don't think wow is in a state to provide these by going back to past mechanisms.
Outside of an RP server I've never really connected with the other folks online. My favorite online games are the ones that I can play with IRL friends, and for the most part the online-only players are just bots capable of complex behavior. If I needed help (or they did) we could interact, but that was about the extent of what I wanted. No doubt it's a minority experience but I don't want "personalities" or "alliances" or "heels" clogging up my free time for gaming, I want to be left alone. (Or as Yahtzee put it in his Guild Wars 2 review, "I want to play by myself where everyone can see me.")