Quote Originally Posted by the secret fire View Post
Removing ye olde magic mart from the game was arguably 5e's best design decision. But then again, everything has its price. It doesn't make sense that magic items would be literally impossible to buy.
I don't forbid the buying of items, but I don't include magic marts. You'd be surprised how easily taking the magic shops out of the game takes away the issue.

I want to buy a magic item.
Ok, what kind?
A magic sword.
OK, just any magic sword?
I dunno, a good one.
What's a "good" magic sword?
I don't know, a +1 sword.
Ok cool, you want to buy a +1 sword. I'm sure someone has one that would rather have money. Where are you going to start?
What do you mean?
Where are you going to start looking for a seller, or are you going to put out an ad in the Gazette?

At this point we either get to go on an adventure to find a magic sword owner who needs money, or they just give up. So far they've given up every time, because 99% of D&D players would rather search a dungeon for a magic sword than play the exciting game of the Fantasy equivalent of the high art trade.