Love: “Put Rose on a stick! We've got our detect bugbutt dowsing rod!”
Rose: “Watch where you poke me with that stick, bub.”
Love: “Get the tape!”
Rose: O.o

Sniper: “If anyone's going to walk into that room, it should probably be Sniper. He's got the Changeling-repellent Bat Spray.”
Love: “They have our room number. They can come to us anytime.”
Rose: “Wait, what? You gave them our room number?”
Love: “It's not like they wouldn't have been able to find us. We've always got a person in our room. It'll be fine!”

Rose: “Even my abilities have limits. Dead and Downed are not the same medical condition.”

GM: “Remember, Rose, if you don't like a roll, you can spend chips to improve it.”
Love: “There might be a real danger here. I'm sure we can repool our money to support Rose's horrible gambling problem.”
Sniper: “Right now, all I can hear is Ben Cartwright telling Rose: ‘You keep out of games where you don't know the stakes.’”

Sniper: “I’m perfectly willing to punch out a zebra if Rose wants.”
GM: “If Rose wins, you have eight zebras sworn to obey her.”
Sniper: “I’m still perfectly willing to punch out a zebra if Rose wants.”

Anaki: “You… win.”
Rose: “Here, give this money to charity. They’ll need it more than I.” (slowly gets up to leave)
Wastelander: “Listen, if you don't have a use for all eight, I can offer you a good price for their services.”
Rose: (realizes she just won 8 zebra servants) “No, they are not for sale.”
Rose: (sits back down) “So, what were your names again?”
Anaki: “I am Anaki, mistress.”
Rose: “I don’t want to make it sound like I own them, so I’m being polite and treating them with respect. At least, as much as I would if this were Equesatria and they were equals, but ‘mistress’ sounds pretty amusing and wow did this day suddenly turn into a weird fanfic.”