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    Bugbear in the Playground
    TheTeaMustFlow's Avatar

    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Perfidious Albion

    Default Re: Campaign Quotes, No Context Edition VI: Good. Bad. I'm the one with the pun.

    Steiner (OOC): Let's just assume the horrible creature is highly lecherous and speak no more about it. Because that's far less disturbing than the alternative.

    Cap'n Tempest: A select few are born with this mark... some say blessed, some say cursed... and destined to rule the seas.
    Addi: Uh, when we found you, you were working in an amusement park.
    Tempest: ...Shut the **** up.

    Tempest: These are the voyages of the ship Emperor. Her mission: to boldly loot where no man has looted before.
    Steiner: To seek out new life, and pillage it!
    Last edited by TheTeaMustFlow; 2018-05-08 at 03:46 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Toby Frost
    `This is just the beginning, Citizens! Today we have boiled a pot who's steam shall be seen across the entire galaxy. The Tea Must Flow, and it shall! The banner of the British Space Empire will be unfurled across a thousand worlds, carried forth by the citizens of Urn, and before them the Tea shall flow like a steaming brown river of shi-*cough*- shimmering moral fibre!`