Quote Originally Posted by LordDeathkeeper View Post
[Pleasant Morning]

Cassian shakes his head.
"I won't be long, I just need a moment to myself. And maybe to start my garden." he insists.

[Grace's House]

The boy is relatively short, not fat but not in great shape either, and while he doesn't smell or anything, he's seen better days. He looks at Grace in surprise. Wow, he didn't know she'd be so pretty! He might stare a little bit, out of nervousness and because well, just opening the door a little still gives his eyes a little to look at...
"Hi my name's Danny I got kicked out of my rental apartment and I need a job and I heard you're an awesome alchemist who works with a nice goddess and I wanted to know if you needed an assistant." he belts out, in a nervous way that makes his dry mouth quite obvious.

Naku and Civvy both wave, letting him go.

Grace's House

"Oh." Grace blinks a few times. She had nooot expected that. At all.
"Um. Yes. Yes of course." She opens the door, and takes a few steps back. "Come in, please. Take a seat. You look exhausted."

Quote Originally Posted by CosmicHobbit View Post
"I'm probably just going to stop worrying about how this place is so happy," Oliver says with a smile. He remains pretty quiet for the rest of the tour. When it's over, he says, "Well, I think that this is the first place I'm going after I leave my apartment! I could use some hope at home, seeing as I currently live in the slums of Inside."
"Ohhhhh. That. That does not sound pleasant at all! The slums? That's terrible.
Would you like, we could go back to the town and take a look at some of the empty houses? See if any catch your eye?"

Quote Originally Posted by Recaiden View Post
The visitor nods. tall-Nyaku must be very sensitive to light if it's bothering her even through the shade of the trees.
They must have been very heavy cat ears if they were squishing her down that much! Regardless, Anima is mostly just paying attention to their faces.
"Do you have a twin or clone or something?"
There's probably a perfectly normal explanation for all this.
"I-" Naku blinks a handful of more times. "Not that I am aware of. Why do you ask?"