@ Mourne

Thank you for giving me such a great review. I will make sure to at least consider all of this.

1) The reason why Flawless Analyst is given at 1st level and the next level I gave Improved Analysis was mainly for simplicity's sake. Although both are fueled by the same points, they have very different effects. I thought that the feature would look too confusing if it was all one massive feature and people might be duanted by it too much. The actual technical difference isn't that much by making two seperate features, but it makes it a lot easier for some people to comprehend. That and I didn't want to frontload the Investigator with such a great feature at 1st level and wanted to spread it out a little more. This decision was made for User Interactivity Simplicity over any sort of in game mechanical reason.

2) The guessing of ranges would indeed take a little bit, but I don't think it would take any longer than casting does. If the person plans out what they want ahead of time it shouldn't take too long. And a lot of time when you are looking for specific distances you would already have a pretty good idea of what something was higher than. The only major reason this process would go slow is if people were doing it inefficiently.

3) For Improved Analysis I think that the proficiency bonus works a lot better than using some sort of die. The way it is currently is a lot simpler and quicker and is more distinguished from the bard's inspiration. I also think that the flat bonus gives a superficial appearance of extra power, though exactly why I can't tell. And really I am not factoring multi-classing into this equation at all, as that is something which is nearly impossible to control well due to the sheer number of different class options.

4) I don't really think it is a good idea to make Investigators have Investigation as one of their expertise options (as odd as that sounds). It devalues the feature a little. And I don't believe I fully understand how exactly one could substitute Passive Perception with Insight, as the two are fairly different things. How exactly does one become so great at telling when someone is lying that they can suddenly detect the presence of traps better? That being said, I don't think it is a great idea to change the name as Expertise is a well recognized name for the mechanism.

5) The main idea of Telepathy was to be an explanation of how you are transmitting the information you got from Flawless Analyst to an ally without alerting the enemy of what you found. I quickly realized that by just verbal speaking, an enemy could hear what you are telling an ally too. That and I think the Telepathy gives Investigators a sort of eldritch flavor which makes them seem more at place in a D&D world.

6) The Uncoventional Action allows you to take the Use an Object Action as described in the PHB. If something states that it takes an action to use, such as drinking or administering a potion, then it is not covered by the Use an Object Action. Ironically, sometimes using an object is not considered part of the Use an Object Action. And the reason stabilize is there is the same reason why Unconventional Actions is there in the first place. You are better at doing what everyone else typically can't afford to do due to action economy. It's not much of a reliable healing system either.

7) I fail to see why the DC of calculated strike should be the target's AC. That feels just sort of weird to me. In the first part of calculated strike you aren't hitting the target with a gaze attack, you are just sort of analyzing them.

8) I still think it makes much more sense for the Investigator to have a chance to fail to pick up the language even if the target is willing. I am willing to bet many would find it weird that it can't fail on a willing target.

9) Psionic Warcry is a level 18 feature, I think it can stand to be a little powerful. Analyst still only lasts one turn and only against one enemy, so I don't see anything terrible with the +6 bonus even then.

10) Yeah, I got rid of the clause that states that being Deafened negates Blindsight. I also made it so that Analyst still works while someone is blinded.

A lot of good stuff here @Morne, thank you for all your help. Sorry I didn't accept many of your changes, I just thought through a lot of this a head of time. If I had the time I would do a review of yours. My apologies once again. And one final time, thank you.