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    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Default Re: The Threshold IC II (D&D E6, low-op, story based)

    Stabby, sneakily concealed in his neatly bundled and packaged form, seems to be ticking along with the music like everyone else. His weird golden facemask - which is atop the cubic box shape - even seems to issue a few sing-song notes as he sings along on the refrain. If it's possible to be enjoying oneself whilst maintaining a strict, motionless cubic stance on everything, then that's what Stabby appears to be doing.

    In the morning, Bobin in particular has disproportionate headache - meaning it feels like it's a bigger hangover than one halfling should be able to contain. None the less, the sun shines warm and inviting, and the open roads await. It's a couple of days across the western moorlands before you'll finally be back in Silverbrook.

    Spoiler: OOC

    Is it strictly required for a priest to have class cleric levels? Of course, one might argue that - at least it might be required to be properly ordained. But who's to say he isn't? I mean ... he might be? Lots of people change profession at some point. Right? Right!
    Last edited by Kaptin Keen; 2018-05-25 at 06:38 AM.