I have made some slight rules changes to the upcoming 2nd competition, which you can see below. Most of them were suggested by @WarrentheHero. The biggest change is that you will be allowed (but not required) to make an individual thread for you class.

Spoiler: D&D 5e Base Class Contest II- Submissions Thread
Welcome to the 2nd competition between playgrounders to create a homebrewed base class for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. This concept was heavily based around the Base Class Contests for 3.5e on this forum, but they are by no means officially related and this competition runs on slightly a slightly different ruleset. Please only place the your class submissions in this thread and leave other comments for the chat thread. The rules for the contest are as follows.
1) The class you homebrew should follow the theme of X
2) You may only create one base class. If you create more than one class then you must choose which one to enter and remove all the others from this thread and the contest (making them invalid) . If you do not specify which one you favor by the time voting begins, all of your content is invalid.
3) When you submit your class you must create a post on this thread which either has the content or holds a link to it. You may also optionally create one other individual thread for your class on the homebrew design sub-forum. If it is found that you have revealed your class on another site or on another thread then one on the homebrew design sub-forum, you will be disqualified. If you do make a specific thread for you class, please mention its involvement to the competition in that thread.
4) You may use other homebrew content (such as feats, spells, magical items and monsters) or even features which you have created elsewhere to supplement your class, but these must be written at least partially by you. Taking a concept from someone else’s homebrew is acceptable, but the exact mechanics cannot be the same. Failure to comply to either of the previous two rules will result in disqualification.
5) Your class must have fully completed mechanics and descriptions for it to be valid. Entries are due at 11:59 pm on June 23rd Eastern Standard Time. Any submissions after this point are invalid. No changes can be made to your class while voting is taking place. Failure to comply with the previous rule will result in disqualification.
6) Any content which has been declared invalid by the rules above cannot be voted for, but you may decide to remove it from the contest and create another class instead. If you are disqualified then you are not allowed to enter any more homebrew for this competition, though you may still vote and later enter the next competition.
7) Please note that misunderstandings occur, if you break a rule which results in disqualification it might be excused if you can convince the group that it was a result of confusion over the rules.

Keep in mind that this contest is entirely for recreational purposes and there is no reward (aside from bragging rights) for someone who succeeds. Let us begin!

Spoiler: D&D 5e Base Class Contest II- Voting Thread
Welcome playgrounders, here is the thread in which you vote for which homebrewed class entered in the current D&D 5e Base Class is the greatest. The voting period will take place between 1:00 am on June 23rd to 11:59 pm on June 30th Eastern Standard time. Votes made outside of that time range while not be included in the total score of each class. It is not necessary for you to compete to vote. If you wish to vote, then give a first, second and third place vote. A first place vote is worth three points, a second place vote is worth two points, and a third place vote is worth one point. A person who votes for their own class must change their vote before the voting period ends or be disqualified. It is suggested that you include the reasoning for your votes, but it is not necessary. Let us begin.

Spoiler: D&D 5e Base Class Contest II- Chat Thread
Welcome to the chat thread for the Base Class Competitions for D&D 5e. If you wish to say anything about the competition which is neither a submission nor a vote, then it belongs here. You do not need to be a contestant to post here. You are allowed to critique a competitor’s work and offer suggestions on how to improve their homebrew through this thread, but it is preferred if you do so through that class’ specific thread (if applicable). I will also be holding discussions over what the next competition’s theme should be in here. Let us begin.

Quote Originally Posted by WarrentheHero View Post
Do we want to continue the discussion of next contest's theme? I floated some ideas from earlier, and there's some good ones from the first discussion. Personally, I don't like Incarnum as an idea, cause I worry everyone is going to end up making "you have X body slots, each slot can hold Y incarnum, here's your list of incarnum options" classes. I worry there won't be enough variety in mechanics. That and I never really got Incarnum from 3.5.

I'm partial to Dragons, in part because I have a class I've been half-working on for a while that is totally Dragons. Failing that, elements can still be cool. I shouldn't have posted my elemental Swordmage in a PEACH thread before knowing the new theme though! I also have a few threads of ideas of Terror and/or Phobia.
My personal favorite would have to be terror/fear/phobias too. I was never a big fan of the whole "four elements" system anyhow. It seemed way too unoriginal and inconsistent in nature to me. Dragons are cool and all, but if you ask me, a little overdone. Don't we already have enough dragon themed stuff as is> Terror is a cool subject to go off of and I have got several ideas as to what I could use for that.