After Ifriti has changed out of the heavy and unfashionable disguises they had to wear for the smuggling operation, she runs into Smoke. She notices something. A familiar article from the same tailor she frequents if she's correct. Not feeling a need to be coy or timid here, this is a man she just committed...well, would have committed a crime with.
"Smoke. Would you be willing to accompany me somewhere? I would not mind the chance to get to know you a bit better as I don't feel I have a true sense for you yet. I believe by your attire you're already familiar with the work of Dunridge & Sons, yes? I feel the need to put together something special and could use a discerning pair of eyes. Perhaps a second pair as well if you happen to know those belonging to a lady as I could use the opinion of both genders I think."


Paying 1 Coin for a third Downtime action. Vice roll with a friend: (2d6)[2][2](4)