Quote Originally Posted by Red Fel View Post
At this point, I'm on the fence between Siegfried and Roy d'Eon. On the one hand, as Callos mentions, Siegfried is good against Dragons and Servants with the Dragon trait. On the other, aside from that, he's pretty ineffectual, and for me, France is over and done with. And while d'Eon is also pretty ineffectual, d'Eon is a tank; you don't need power, you need effectiveness. And there's the added bonus of being immune to anything that targets Male or Female.

Then there's even the question of whether to even bother with another Saber. Fact is, Lily is terrible stat-wise; d'Eon or Siegfried would be a strict upgrade. But in terms of utility, Lily's NP does decent damage, especially when paired with her Mana Burst. It's worth noting that her NP is level 5, which gives it a base modifier of 700%; Siegfried's base modifier at NP1 is 300%. Even after Strengthening, and against Dragons, it's 550%. Moreover, Lily's Journey of the Flowers skill is useful to the entire party.

I feel like, she may not be great, but she's consistently applicable in her role, you know?
As d'Eon was my first 4 stars (on my first free roll too to boot), I'm biased towards them. They've accompanied me as my main servant, even more than Mash did, by tanking like a boss (as I said earlier, three turns of invincibility kicks ass). But that was when I started playing about two months ago, and I was doing the campaigns at a fairly low level. For a high level player with lots of high level servants, they may not be that useful of an addition to an existing team.
Objectively, if you have no need for a main tank, you should choose a more universally useful servant, I think.