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Thread: Sectan Races [PEACH]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Sectan Races [PEACH]

    I've been dwelling on this idea for some time now, but after seeing the artwork from SlightlySimian and reading over some arthropod civ ideas from /tg/ I've decided to actually stat it all out. The setting I've been thinking about is slightly different than his, but the artwork works wonders.

    The first race will be in this post, the Formicids. I do not claim ownership of anything of his and am only stating that he was the final spark of inspiration that got me to actually work this out.

    Anyways, on with the fun...

    Sectan Races:
    Ant (Formicids)
    Bee (Apix)
    Moth (Lepidonis)
    Spider (Aranea)
    Termite (Isopti)
    Hornet (Velutina)

    When playing these races in a setting other than Secta and in a party with races other than the ones noted here, add +2 LA and change their type to Monstrous Humanoid and add the Sectan subtype (They count as humanoid for all effectss that require the humanoid type and all effects that target insects). Even if this RHD would normally be switched to be a class level, this RHD instead is kept.


    Source: SlightlySimian
    A soldier ant keeps watch as the worker leads her to a new field, ripe for taking.

    The formicids (fȯr-mik-ˈid) are a race of ant-like people who, while expanding, are fairly diplomatic in their approaches. Often seen as being one with the earth, these ant-like people are masters of underground construction, carving out vast warrens and towns far from the baking sun of their arid equatorial home, the luscious river watered Altrbt-alswda. While they would never harm their colony, some formicids have a longing for adventure and leave once they're sure the colony can pick up the slack that their absence would create. These adventurers show that, while the colony may seem to be of one mind, they are in actuality independent but work together as on unit.

    Formicids tend to be lawful in alignment, due to their strict hierarchies, but chaotic formicids are not unheard of. Formicid colonies can be anywhere on the lawful side of the alignment grid, but tend to be lawful neutral(leaning good) as an average.

    Formicid characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Str, -2 Int(+0 App)
    • Humanoid (Formic)
    • Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Darkvision 60, Multiple Limbs, Scent, Swarming, Caste
    • Automatic Languages: Common and Formic Bonus Languages: Apis, Aranea, Lepid, Velut, Terran, Undercommon
    • Favored Class: Fighter
    • Level adjustment: +0

    Carrying Capacity: Formicids count as two size categories higher and quadrupedal for the purposes of carry capacity. This racial trait does not stack with powerful build.

    Multiple Limbs: Formicids have four arms, and thus can take the Multiweapon Fighting feat instead of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

    Natural Weapons: Formicids have a primary sting natural attack that deals 1d6 damage as well as injects poison.

    Poison: Injury. DC (10+1/2 HD+Con). Initial damage of 1d8 acid damage. Secondary damage of 1d4 Dex damage.

    Swarming: Formicids are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two formicids can share the same square at the same time. If two formicids that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.

    Caste: Formicids are very similar to the ants they are physically similar to. All formicids belong to one of the castes below. The caste dictates your natural armour, size, speed, and may grant additional qualities or ability adjustments.


    Spoiler: Worker

    These formicids make up the majority in a colony. While they are smaller than the other formicids, they are no weaker and can do far more than the others. They are physically genderless, as in they have no primary sexual characteristics even though they have typically female secondary characteristics.


    Worker characters possess the base traits of other formicids in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Wis (+0 App)
    • Size: Small
    • Speed: 25 feet
    • Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Powerful Build

    Carrying Capacity: Workers count as three sizes higher and quadrupedal for the purposes of carry capacity. This racial trait does not stack with powerful build.

    Natural Armour: Workers have a +1 natural armour bonus.

    Powerful Build: The physical stature of workers lets them function in many ways as if they were one size category larger. Whenever a worker is subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), the worker is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to her. A worker is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect her. A worker can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, her space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category.

    Spoiler: Soldier

    Soldier formicids are the first and last line of defense for any formicid colony. They are physically imposing and adept at many forms of attack and defense.


    Soldier characters possess the base traits of other formicids in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Str (+0 App)
    • Size: Medium
    • Speed: 30 ft.
    • Special Qualities: Poison, Pounce, Strong Strikes

    Natural Armour: Soldiers have a +3 natural armour bonus.

    Natural Weapons: The sting of a soldier does 1d8 damage.

    Poison: Injury. DC (10+1/2 HD+Con). Initial damage of 1d12 acid damage. Secondary damage of 1d4 Str damage.

    Strong Strikes: A soldier adds double her strength bonus to melee attacks twice instead of just once.

    Spoiler: Queen

    Unlike in many of the colonies of their likeness, queen formicids are in fact the absolute rulers of formicid colonies. Early in their life they help to found new colonies with drones and rule them until death. Queens have been known to live for hundreds of years, possibly over a thousand years if she is lucky.


    Queen characters possess the base traits of other formicids in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +4 Str, +6 Con, +4 Int, +4 Wis, +4 Cha (+4 App)
    • Size: Large
    • Speed: 35 feet
    • Special Qualities: Alate, Founding, Poison, Queen
    • LA: +4

    Alate: After reaching maturity and before using her founding ability, queen formicids have wings and a fly speed of 80 ft (Good). After using her founding ability, her wings break away and both them and the muscles used for their operation are repurposed for better use in her new life.

    Founding: A single time in her life, a queen can use this ability. Using her strength and the knowledge granted to her by her mother, she begins to dig out a new colony. Once the first few tunnels are complete she sheds her wings and begins to create drones, soldiers, and workers.

    Natural Armour: Queens have a +5 natural armour bonus.

    Poison: Injury. DC (10+1/2 HD+Con). Initial damage of 1d6 acid damage. Secondary damage of paralysis 3d8 hours.

    Queen: Queens have insane diplomatic and societal power. Whenever a queen gives an order to a member of her hive, the formicid doing the task gains an untyped bonus to all skill checks required to do said task equal to 1/3 of the queens HD-5.

    Queens have a +5 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information, and sense motive when dealing with all formicids she created. This bonus decreases to +4 when dealing with non-queen formicids that are of other colonies. This bonus decreases to +2 when dealing with non-formicids. This bonus does not come into effect when dealing with other queens, whether they are formicid or not.

    The queen also takes a -10 penalty to disguise when dealing with other queens. This penalty decreases to -5 when dealing with all formicids she created. This penalty decreases to -3 when dealing with non-queen formicids of other colonies. This penalty decreases to -2 when dealing with non-formicids.

    Spoiler: Drone

    The only male formicids, drones are unsurprisingly rare. They are commonly chosen as generals, sheriffs, etc. due to their concentrated pheromones, but can also just as easily end up as the queen's concubines. They are rarely found alone, often surrounded by soldiers, and when on the road are typically because they've been offered to another queen as a gift.


    Drone characters possess the base traits of other formicids in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Cha (+2 App)
    • Size: Medium
    • Speed: 30
    • Special Qualities: Alate, Drone, Pheromones, Poison
    • LA: +3

    Alate: After reaching maturity and before mating for the first time, drone formicids have wings and a fly speed of 70 ft (Good). After mating for the first time, his wings fall off and the muscles used for their operation are repurposed for better use in his new life.

    Drone: Drones, while not as influential as queens, do have some measure of diplomatic and societal power. Drones have a +5 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information, and sense motive when dealing with all formicids of the colony he was born in. This bonus decreases to +3 when dealing with non-queen formicids that are of other colonies. This bonus decreases to +1 when dealing with non-formicids. This bonus does not come into effect when dealing with queens, whether they are formicid or not.

    The drone also takes a -30 penalty to disguise when dealing with formicid queens. This penalty decreases to -15 when dealing with all formicids of the colony he was born in. This penalty decreases to -10 when dealing with non-queen formicids of other colonies. This penalty decreases to -5 when dealing with non-formicids.

    Natural Armour: Drones have a +2 natural armour bonus.

    Pheromones: All formicids use pheromones in some way, but drones use them in more concentrated forms. As a standard action once per day per HD, a drone can release a cloud of pheromones that affect all allies within (10 ft. +5 ft. per HD) and can do one of the following:
    • Rapport: While drones can speak, these magically laced pheromones enable them to establish telepathic communication with other formicids and with intelligent beings. A successful Fortitude saving throw (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha modifier) negates the effect, but it is harmless. Rapport lasts for 60 (+30 minutes for each HD) minutes with creatures of the drones choosing, but for 8 hours with other formicids. Rapport pheromones can be released as either a spread or a 40-foot ray. Regardless of the release area, the communication range is 120 feet once rapport is established.
    • Distress: These pheromones alert all other creatures within the area that danger is near. This is similar to Intimidate check if a subject is not aware of your presence.
    • Reproduction: These pheromones can only be used if the drone has not yet mated for the first time and is in a colony that is not the one he was born in. These pheromones signal to all formicids that this drone has come as a gift to the queen. All attacking formicid workers and soldiers then proceed to escort the drone to their queen and stand guard, ready to kill the drone if he tries anything. This can only be used once and counts as all spore releases for the day.
    • Pacification: These pheromones are released as a 40-foot ray. The target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha) or become passive for 1 minute. Being passive is similar to being dazed, except that the target can take partial actions that don’t involve attacking. This is a mind-affecting compulsion effect.
    • Hallucination: These pheromones are released as a 40-foot ray. The target must make a Fortitude saving throw (DC 10+1/2 HD+Cha) or suffer powerful hallucinations that duplicate the effects of a confusion spell for 1 hour.

    This ability is functionally identical to the myconid spores ability.

    Poison: Injury. DC (10+1/2 HD+Con). Initial damage of 1d4 acid damage. Secondary damage of 1d4 Wis damage.
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2022-01-21 at 10:42 AM. Reason: Modified the Non-Setting Cost to remove the RHD as with further thought and testing it makes the races weaker than they should be
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
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