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Thread: Sectan Races [PEACH]

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Default Re: Sectan Races [PEACH]


    Source: SlightlySimian
    Two isopti face towards the location of a scent, stopping their conversation as they do.

    The isopti (eye-sop-tee) are a race of termite-like people who like to keep to themselves but their exploration and trading parties are often raided. As such, they are very defensive, building massive fortress complexes around their nests and guarding them heavily while sending a good amount of guards along with all of their groups that leave. This defensiveness is less pronounced within their homeland of Höyük due to how fortified the entire location is with each hive acting as a mini fortress. Some isopti leave their colony to seek out adventure. Often more than not, these stragglers tend to be killed and eaten due to their sightless nature. Somehow, a few actually manage to become adventurers, relying on their senses and making sure to double check everything. These adventurers show that, like the formicids, the colony may seem to be of one mind, but they are in actuality independent and work together as one unit.

    They tend towards the lawful and good alignments, but it is not unheard of for chaotic or even evil isopti to leave their hives for a life of adventure. Isopti hives tend to be lawful or neutral good and have a heavy preference towards the worship of one god or a specific set of gods; however, hives can be of any lawful or neutral alignment.

    Isopti characters possess the following racial traits:
    • +2 Str, -2 Cha(-2 App)
    • Humanoid (Isopti)
    • Special Qualities: Carrying Capacity, Multiple Limbs, Scent, Swarming, Caste
    • Automatic Languages: Common and Isop Bonus Languages: Apis, Aranea, Formic, Lepid, Velut, Terran, Undercommon
    • Favored Class: Fighter
    • Level adjustment: +0

    Bonus Feat: All isopti gain improved scent(Savage Species) as a bonus feat at level 1.

    Carrying Capacity: Isopti count as two size categories higher and quadrupedal for the purposes of carry capacity. This racial trait does not stack with powerful build.

    Multiple Limbs: Isopti have four arms, and thus can take the Multiweapon Fighting feat instead of the Two-Weapon Fighting feat.

    Swarming: Isopti are used to living and fighting communally with other members of their race. Up to two isopti can share the same square at the same time. If two formicids that are occupying the same square attack the same foe, they are considered to be flanking that foe as if they were in two opposite squares.

    Caste: Isopti are very similar to the termites they are physically similar to. All isopti belong to one of the castes below. The caste dictates your natural armour, size, speed, and may grant additional qualities or ability adjustments.


    Spoiler: Worker

    These isopti make up the majority in a colony. While they are smaller than the other isopti, they are no weaker and can do far more than the others. They are physically genderless, as in they have no primary sexual characteristics even though they have typically female secondary characteristics.


    Worker characters possess the base traits of other isopti in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Wis (+0 App)
    • Size: Small
    • Speed: 25 feet
    • Special Qualities: Blind, Carrying Capacity, Eyeless Sight, Powerful Build

    Blind: The workers have no eyes, they are blind and cannot see. They take a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), move at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading writing and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blind character. They are also immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

    When the isopti gains blindsense, she loses the penalty to armor class, gains her dexterity bonus to AC(if any), can move at her full speed, and opponents are no longer have total concealment to her. She still takes the penalty to search and most strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    When the isopti gains blindsight, she loses the penalty to search and strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    Carrying Capacity: Workers count as three sizes higher and quadrupedal for the purposes of carry capacity. This racial trait does not stack with powerful build.

    Eyeless Sight: At 4th level, due to their heightened scent ability the worker gain blindsense out to 40 feet. At 8th level, the worker gains blindsight out to 40 feet and blindsense for 40 feet after that. At 12th level, the range for both increases by 10 feet. At 16th level, the range increases again by another 10 feet. And at level 20, the range increases by another 20 feet.

    Natural Armour: Workers have a +1 natural armour bonus.

    Spoiler: Mandibular Soldier

    Mandible isopti are one of the soldier castes of the isopti and the melee oriented caste of the termite-folk. They are physically imposing and adept at many forms of attack and defense. Strangely, mandible isopti are physically female but have male secondary characteristics


    Mandible characters possess the base traits of other isopti in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Str (+0 App)
    • Size: Medium
    • Speed: 30 ft.
    • Special Qualities: Blind, Eyeless Sight, Improved Grab, Strong Strikes

    Blind: The mandibles have no eyes, they are blind and cannot see. They take a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), move at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading writing and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blind character. They are also immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

    When the isopti gains blindsense, she loses the penalty to armor class, gains her dexterity bonus to AC(if any), can move at her full speed, and opponents are no longer have total concealment to her. She still takes the penalty to search and most strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    When the isopti gains blindsight, she loses the penalty to search and strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    Eyeless Sight: At 4th level, due to their heightened scent ability the mandible gain blindsense out to 40 feet. At 8th level, the mandible gains blindsight out to 40 feet and blindsense for 40 feet after that. At 12th level, the range for both increases by 10 feet. At 16th level, the range increases again by another 10 feet. And at level 20, the range increases by another 20 feet.

    Improved Grab: If a mandible manages to strike with its bite attack, it deals normal damage and attempts to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. No initial touch attack is required.

    This ability only works against opponents at least one size category smaller than the mandible. The mandible has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use its mandibles to hold the opponent. If you choose to do the latter, you takes a -20 penalty on the grapple checks, but are not considered grappled yourself; you do not lose your Dexterity bonus to AC, still threaten an area, and can use your remaining attacks against other opponents.

    If you maintain the hold, each successful grapple check you make during successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the bite attack.

    When you get a hold after an improved grab attack, you pull the opponent into your space. This act does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You can even move (possibly carrying away the opponent), provided you can drag the opponent’s weight.

    Natural Armour: Mandible have a +3 natural armour bonus.

    Natural Weapons: Mandible isopti have a primary bite attack that deals 1d8 damage.

    Strong Strikes: A mandible adds double her strength bonus to melee attacks twice instead of just once.

    Spoiler: Nasute Soldier

    Nasute isopti are one of the soldier castes of the isopti and the ranged oriented caste of the termite-folk. They are less physically imposing than the mandible soldiers but have a more powerful attack.


    Nasute characters possess the base traits of other isopti in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Dex (+0 App)
    • Size: Medium
    • Speed: 30 ft.
    • Special Qualities: Blind, Eyeless Sight, Entangling Spit, Precise Spit

    Blind: The nasute have no eyes, they are blind and cannot see. They take a -2 penalty to Armor Class, loses their Dexterity bonus to AC (if any), move at half speed, and takes a -4 penalty on Search checks and on most Strength- and Dexterity-based skill checks. All checks and activities that rely on vision (such as reading writing and Spot checks) automatically fail. All opponents are considered to have total concealment (50% miss chance) to the blind character. They are also immune to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.

    When the isopti gains blindsense, she loses the penalty to armor class, gains her dexterity bonus to AC(if any), can move at her full speed, and opponents are no longer have total concealment to her. She still takes the penalty to search and most strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    When the isopti gains blindsight, she loses the penalty to search and strength and dexterity based skill checks.

    Eyeless Sight: At 4th level, due to her heightened scent ability the nasute gain blindsense out to 40 feet. At 8th level, the nasute gains blindsight out to 40 feet and blindsense for 40 feet after that. At 12th level, the range for both increases by 10 feet. At 16th level, the range increases again by another 10 feet. And at level 20, the range increases by another 20 feet.

    Entangling spit: When a nasute strikes an opponent with her spit attack, the opponent must make a reflex save (DC 10+1/2 HD+Con) or become entangled.

    Natural Armour: Nasute have a +2 natural armour bonus.

    Natural Weapons: Nasute isopti have a primary ranged spit attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning damage.

    Precise Spit: A nasute has such innate prowess for her spit attack that she only suffers half of the concealment penalty due to blindness for enemies while using her spit attack.

    Spoiler: Queen

    Unlike the vast majority of isopti, queens have actual eyes and can see. They still have the insane ability of scent but are less in tune with that sense. Early in their life they help to found new colonies with drones and rule them until death. Queens have been known to live for hundreds of years, possibly over a thousand years if she is lucky.


    Queen characters possess the base traits of other isopti in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Str, +2 Dex, +4 Con, +4 Int, +6 Wis, +6 Cha (+2 App)
    • Size: Large
    • Speed: 35 feet
    • Special Qualities: Alate, Egg Sac, Eyeless Sight, Founding, Queen
    • LA: +4

    Alate: After reaching maturity and before using her founding ability, queen isopti have wings and a fly speed of 60 ft (Good). After using her founding ability, her wings break away and both them and the muscles used for their operation are repurposed for better use in her new life.

    Egg Sac: After using her founding ability, the queen grows an egg sac around her abdomen. This cuts down her speed to 5 feet per round, increases her natural armour by 2, increases her size by one (to huge), and she is able to produce offspring.

    During times of intense struggle, the queen is able to remove her egg sac. When she does she takes 2d4 con damage and is nauseated by 1 round. Once the struggle is over she is able to regrow the egg sac with no penalties.

    Eyeless Sight: At 8th level, due to her heightened scent ability the queen gain blindsense out to 40 feet. At 18th level, the queen gains blindsight out to 40 feet and blindsense for 40 feet after that.

    Founding: A single time in her life, a queen can use this ability. Using her strength and the knowledge granted to her by her mother, she begins to dig out a new colony. Once the first few tunnels are complete she sheds her wings, grows her egg sac, and begins to create drones, soldiers, and workers.

    Natural Armour: Queens have a +5 natural armour bonus.

    Queen: Queens have insane diplomatic and societal power. Whenever a queen gives an order to a member of her hive, the isopti doing the task gains an untyped bonus to all skill checks required to do said task equal to 1/3 of the queens HD-5.

    Queens have a +5 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information, and sense motive when dealing with all isopti she created. This bonus decreases to +4 when dealing with non-queen isopti that are of other colonies. This bonus decreases to +2 when dealing with non-isopti. This bonus does not come into effect when dealing with other queens, whether they are formicid or not.

    The queen also takes a -40 penalty to disguise when dealing with other queens. This penalty decreases to -30 when dealing with all isopti she created. This penalty decreases to -25 when dealing with non-queen isopti of other colonies. This penalty decreases to -20 when dealing with non-isopti. All of these penalties are doubled while her egg sac is intact

    Spoiler: Drone

    The only male isopti, drones are unsurprisingly rare and like the queen they have eyes and can see. They are commonly chosen as generals, diplomats, etc. due to their diplomatic prowess, but can also just as easily end up as the queen's concubines. They are rarely found alone, often surrounded by soldiers, and when on the road are typically because they've been offered to another queen as a gift.


    Drone characters possess the base traits of other isopti in addition to the traits noted here.
    • +2 Int, +2 Wis, +8 Cha (+0 App)
    • Size: Medium
    • Speed: 30
    • Special Qualities: Alate, Diplomatic, Drone, Eyeless Sight
    • LA: +3

    Alate: After reaching maturity and before mating for the first time, drone formicids have wings and a fly speed of 70 ft (Good). After mating for the first time, his wings fall off and the muscles used for their operation are repurposed for better use in his new life.

    Diplomatic: Drones always have bluff and diplomacy as class skills and have a racial bonus to them equal to their hit dice. In addition, drones may always take 15 on diplomacy and sense motive checks.

    Eyeless Sight: At 8th level, due to his heightened scent ability the drone gain blindsense out to 40 feet. At 18th level, the drone gains blindsight out to 40 feet and blindsense for 40 feet after that.

    Drone: Drones, while not as influential as queens, do have some measure of diplomatic and societal power. Drones have a +4 to bluff, diplomacy, intimidate, gather information, and sense motive when dealing with all formicids of the colony he was born in. This bonus decreases to +2 when dealing with non-queen formicids that are of other colonies. This bonus decreases to +1 when dealing with non-formicids. This bonus does not come into effect when dealing with queens, whether they are formicid or not.

    The drone also takes a -30 penalty to disguise when dealing with formicid queens. This penalty decreases to -25 when dealing with all formicids of the colony he was born in. This penalty decreases to -20 when dealing with non-queen formicids of other colonies. This penalty decreases to -15 when dealing with non-formicids.

    Natural Armour: Drones have a +4 natural armour bonus.

    Before anyone says anything, I know that termites don't have both types of workers. But I like the idea and had a good thought for it, so yeah...
    Last edited by Aniikinis; 2018-07-27 at 08:50 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Quarian Rex View Post
    Sometimes you need more than well crafted crunch. Sometimes you need well crafted crunch that is playable in the game.
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