Quote Originally Posted by deuterio12 View Post
Out of curiosity, if a single heavy bolter scares an Hive Tyrant so much that he'll focus his whole army in taking it down (and fail since the players are expected to win at the end of the day), then how come a force like the ultramsurfs that pack hundreds of top-quality heavy bolters ever got their asses kicked by the nids? While fighting in their own homeworld, aka plenty of their own cannon fodder.

Because by RPG stats, the ultrasmurfs dozens of devastator squads could take their time focus firing every synapse bug in the planet while taking cover behind forts/PD/tacticals/whatnot. And then predators also have heavy bolters. Tacticals have heavy bolters. Scouts have heavy bolters. Fighter craft has heavy bolters. Dreads can pack heavy bolters too.
Because fluff wise the Tyranid swarm is so massive that the heavy bolters are pretty much out of ammo before the Hive Tyrant is even in range. I mean without the use of WMDs or the like, Tyranids will kill and consume every living thing on a planet the size of Earth in 80 days. And drink all of the oceans and suck in the atmosphere.