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Spoiler: In The Undead Laboratory

In, The Undead Laboratory

CE Huge 7-Headed Swarm Shifter 18+12 HD Cadaver Golem (swarm of Undead Parts)

Spoiler: Design Notes

So, let’s start with a fun monster, the Cadaver Golem (Heroes of Horror p. 150). This seems to be an usual flesh golem - but in fact there was an error during conception - this is a dangerous sentient creature, which can Assimilate Flesh (Ex) - graft itself with body parts to gain skills & abilities from the rightful owner of said body parts (which alas are almost always killed in the process). By itself, this monster would be enough for the contest, as simply growing HD, grafting other heads & body parts would be enough for split personalities horror.

But we are in Iron Chief competition, so I dare use another component to spice it up : the Swarm Shifter template (Libris Mortis p. 123). This ingredient should mix only with undeads, while our Cadaver Golem is a construct…says rules, not the concept. Let me dare use it anyway, as it allows for a memorable dish : this Cadaver Golem can be disassembled as a swarm of Undead Parts… Imagine : our courageous adventurers just killed a necromancer, and make their way up to the laboratory, which is a mess of dead members, heads, torsos and legs everywhere… and then the fun begins as all this mess animates !

My third ingredient is not so special in this contest I guess : it’s Multiheaded template from Savage Species (p. 124) - our Cadaver Golem is already able to graft itself with body parts, so adding heads is par for the course - the only finery there is that the golem should become Huge above 20 HD, which will allow him to grow above 3 heads. I decided that the 2 HD added for each new head would count for size upgrade - it’s not too difficult to add HD on the Cadaver Golem until it hits 20 HD otherwise.

That’s all folks - I dare not add other parts in the mix, this is already a fun monster with too much possible variants - depending on which body parts are grafted on it - and a great trap for aspiring necromancers… I only used feats to increase skills - and intelligence once we are on epic (more than 20 HD)

Spoiler: Ability Scores

All HD gains in Intelligence.

Level Class Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
CR 8 Cadaver Golem (10 HD) - Elite Array 25 15 - 16 13 10
CR 11 2-headed (10+2 HD) 25 15 - 17 13 10
CR 13 3-headed (14+4 HD) 25 15 - 18 13 10
CR 14 3-headed (17+4 HD), Huge size 33 13 - 19 13 10
CR 15 5-headed (18+8 HD) 33 13 - 21 13 10
CR 16 7-headed (18+12 HD) 33 13 - 23 13 10

Spoiler: Build Table

Level Class Base Attack Bonus Fort Save Ref Save Will Save Skills Feats Class Features
CR 8 Cadaver Golem (10 HD) +7 +3 +3 +3 (2+3 Int)x13 : Jump 13, Hide 13, Listen 13, Move Silently 13, Spot 13 Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Sunder, Power Attack Large size, Assimilate Parts (Ex), construct traits, damage reduction 5/adamantine, darkvision 60 ft., immunity to magic, low-light vision, natural armor +10
CR 9 Swarm Shifter (Swarm of Undead Parts) +7 +3 +3 +3 (2+3 Int)x13 : Disguise 0(+10 as undead parts), Jump 13, Hide 13, Listen 13, Move Silently 13, Spot 13 Swarm Form (Su), Distraction (Ex), Fear (Su, DC 15), Parts (Ex), Swarm (Ex) attack 3d6, Half Damage From Slashing and Piercing (Ex)
CR 11 2-headed (10+2 HD) +9 +4 +4 +4 (2+3 Int)x15 : Disguise 5+10, Jump 13, Hide 13, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Listen 13+2, Move Silently 13, Search 0+2, Spot 13+2 Open Minded (12 HD), Improved Initiative (B), Combat Reflexes (B) Darkvision 90 ft. ; Superior Multiweapon Fighting (Ex), Fear (Su, DC 16), Swarm attack 4d6, natural armor +11, +2 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot
CR 12 3-headed (10+4 HD) +10 +4 +4 +4 (2+3 Int)x17 : Disguise 5+10, Jump 13, Hide 13, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (religion) 10, Listen 13+4, Move Silently 13, Search 0+4, Spot 13+4 Fear (Su, DC 17), Swarm attack 4d6, natural armor +12, +4 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot
CR 13 3-headed (14+4 HD) +13 +6 +6 +6 (2+3 Int)x19 +(2+4 Int)x2 : Disguise 10+10, Jump 13, Hide 18, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (religion) 10, Listen 13+4, Move Silently 13, Open Lock 6, Search 0+4, Sleight of Hand 6, Spot 18+4 Open Minded (15 HD) Fear (Su, DC 19), Swarm attack 5d6
CR 14 3-headed (17+4 HD) +15 +7 +7 +7 (2+3 Int)x19 +(2+4 Int)x5 : Disguise 15+10, Jump 13, Hide 24, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (religion) 10, Listen 13+4, Move Silently 13, Open Lock 6, Search 0+4, Sleight of Hand 18, Spot 18+4 Open Minded (18 HD), Superior Initiative (21 HD) Huge size, Fear (Su, DC 20), Swarm attack 6d6, natural armor +13
CR 15 3 to 5-headed (18+4 to 8 HD) +19 +8 +8 +8 (2+3 Int)x19 +(2+4 Int)x7 +(2+5 Int)x3 : Disguise 15+10, Jump 13, Hide 24, Knowledge (arcana) 10, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 10, Knowledge (nature) 11, Knowledge (religion) 10, Listen 19+8, Move Silently 13, Open Lock 6, Search 0+8, Sleight of Hand 24, Spot 18+8 Great Intelligence (24 HD) Fear (Su, DC 23), natural armor +15, +8 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot
CR 16 6 to 7-headed (18+10 to 12 HD) +22 +10 +10 +10 (2+3 Int)x19 +(2+4 Int)x7 +(2+5 Int)x3 +(2+6 Int)x4: Disguise 15+10, Jump 13, Hide 24, Knowledge (arcana) 24, Knowledge (dungeoneering) 19, Knowledge (nature) 11, Knowledge (religion) 10, Listen 19+12, Move Silently 13, Open Lock 15, Search 0+12, Sleight of Hand 24, Spot 18+12 Great Intelligence (27 HD), Great Intelligence (30 HD) Fear (Su, DC 25), natural armor +17, +12 racial bonus on Listen, Search and Spot