Quote Originally Posted by Brother Oni View Post
On the other hand, work for us and we'll guarantee you food and a roof over your head so you don't starve or freeze to death when winter comes, doesn't sound like a bad deal.

Except that the IRA-like organisation would like have better tech, or at least the knowledge for it. It would make for an interesting scenario though - the players climb out of their capsule, the outside still smoking from the heat of re-entry, to find themselves in the middle of a war between a criminal gang and a nascent IRA-like terrorist organisation. Criminals offer freedom to do whatever you like but no long term plan or personal safety from fellow members while the terrorists offer food, shelter, comfort and a distant hope of escape in return for hard work and allegiance to their cause.

Murder hobos style PCs would obvious favour the former, but signing up for the latter could make for some interesting options.
But, would that IRA-like organization really offer any of that? I think you are greatly overstimating their capacities... They may know how to make explosives using industrial chemicals and even how to make primitive guns using electric equipment and steel tubes, but, what good would that be when you are trying to figure how to rediscover agriculture, and all you have are sticks and stones? Are they going to make food and shelter appear out of thin air?

They may have a chance to start something if they manage to secure the few guys with useful skills at the very beginning, but at the same time, the people they would be working with would be criminals who used violence and broke society's rules for their own benefit... how long before Don Corleone decides to make a coup and take over, promising the other inmates to produce more food with less work by relocating the resources of the "Build a Starship 300 years in the future" project to the "Eat Meat Twice a Week Next Year" project?