Quote Originally Posted by ciarannihill View Post
I mean getting Extra Attack from another source, like Fighter, opens up that Invocation slot for something else at that point (like Agonizing Blast), plus fighter 6 gives you another ASI at a rapid clip if you're looking somewhat Feat hungry. But, either way works fine, play whatever seems fun first and foremost, but if you're going to supplement your build with a Martial character I think Fighter is for sure the way to go for Fighting Spirit's combination with Elvish Accuracy and Action Surge.

Starting a fight with Hexblade's Curse into Eldritch Blast, then on turn two using Fighting Spirit and Action surge alongside Sharshooter shots with a +7 to hit and super advantage for 4 shots that deal a total of 4d8+20(Cha) + 16(Prf) + 40(SS) + 4(IPW) damage along with the option to Eldritch Smite on any potential crit for a boatload of extra damage. You'd start melting things at that rate.
You make some good points! I hadn't really added up the damage but it is pretty nice. Thanks!