Quote Originally Posted by lord_khaine View Post
Its one of the few places where i think Tomura were right. Namely how he mocked the fact that it was the heroes who had to bend their head and apologize despite it being him that attacked them.

And while i do like the league idea, then im not certain if it would have worked or not.
There were heroes back before the rise of All Might. But it did not seems like they had the symbol effect that he wanted to create.
It seems to be, in part, because none of the heroes before All Might had the sheer....power and personality that he does. Its a point at the beginning of the show that a lot of heroes aren't really in it for alturistic ideals...they're in it for the money, the fame, etc...in other words, being a hero is kind of treated as another job.

And for All Might at least, its not a job its his life, combine that with his overwhelming charisma and the fact he makes being a hero seem effortless...you can see why All Might became the pillar that Japan needed while others haven't and why a League idea didn't come about. All Might has the right mix of personality and ability that others lack.

That's part of why the fight with All for One was so damaging, not only was All Might forced to publicly retire like he did but, as was pointed out, the world was suddenly exposed to the idea that there are villains out there as powerful as All Might that people just...didn't know about. What if there's more of them? What if they're working together? And now All Might is retired?!

Tomura hasn't actually succeeded at any of the individuals goals he's set out to do on the show so far but his larger goal of eroding hero society? He's doing a pretty good job.