Quote Originally Posted by Erloas View Post
I have a feeling that, upon getting my weapons back while in Caesar's fort, that shooting the guards, then walking into his tent and killing him (after having talked to him all of once, just before getting the key to the 38 bunker) and shooting my way out of camp wasn't exactly the canon response. And while I'm not good with explosives... well... they're explosive. You only have to be close in horse shoes and hand grenades and I was all out of horse shoes.

At some point though I had decided "if I can't decide anything at all without a good speech skill I may as go all-in on the "shoot everything I don't like" approach to problem solving."

I guess it just goes to show you just can't trust psychopath with a gun, and inviting him in after sending assassins after him a dozen times is probably not a good idea. Oddly enough I let Benny go though.
I generally wait until after I have an army of murderbots on site and online before doing that. Personal preference, I suppose.