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    Ogre in the Playground
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Boston, MA

    Default Re: Prestige Class Contest Voting Thread IV: This could be Heaven or Hell

    Not sure why we got so few entries overall this time. My votes as follows:

    1. The Purgator- the idea of dangerously living close to the edge of evil while using it against itself is fun, and the mechanics seem good.
    2. The Planestrider Looks like it would be fun. It has a narrow theme, and there's a danger when one this narrow a theme that it won't be useable in regular play, but this seems to have enough that could be used for regular play that it avoids that.
    3. Hellbound Cultist I'd really like to put this higher up. Two things prevent that. First, it is hard to evaluate the class as a whole, and the mechanics, when we don't have the vestige versions of the archdukes to work with. Second, you only end up getting to bind one of the 9 dukes, and I don't know how much flexibility/power that will end up being. Without the dukes statted out this is hard to estimate. I really hope we'll get to see them statted up later.

    Most Original - Hellbound Cultist I don't think I've seen anything like this before. The closest is the Tenebrous Apostate but this is pretty clearly a different idea with a different focus. The idea of binding the dukes is really neat.

    Most Likely to See Play - The Purgator The mechanics and fluff fit well with ideas that many people want to play.

    Best Use of Theme Planestrider does a good job of making it clear that there are a lot of planes out there and that there's interesting stuff out there.

    It is too bad that Righteous Sinner has been disqualified, otherwise it would probably get some voters as well. I really hope we'll get to see a completed version by Jormengand later.
    Last edited by JoshuaZ; 2018-07-18 at 06:45 AM.
    My homebrew:


    ToB disciplines:

    The Narrow Bridge
    The Broken Blade

    Prestige classess:
    Disciple of Karsus -PrC for Karsites.
    The Seekers of Lost Swords and the Preserver of Future Blades Two interelated Tome of Battle Prcs,
    Master of the Hidden Seal - Binder/Divine hybrid
    Knight of the Grave- Necromancy using Gish

    Worthwhile links:

    Age of Warriors