
The Bard was about to reply to Siward when the warrior cut into Aazon's chest. She blenched slightly at the butchery, but when he ripped out the heart and took a bite, that was the tipping point. Bile rose up within her stomach, and she turned to the side to vomit. When she was done, she wiped her mouth (and prestidigitated herself clean) and smiled weakly. "Ah, no. Thank you. I don't eat...that. Human. I don't eat human." She paused to force down another gag reflex. "Or gnome, drow, lizardfolk, or anything sapient! In the future, I would prefer it if you didn't do that in front of me again, or at least give me warning!" Aleandrae shuddered with revulsion as she turned back to the rest of the group. "Can we go now?"