Dark Dreams Wanderer

The journey so far had not been one of comfort, as the gait of a horse was much rougher than the dainty steps and bounds of a reindeer. Of course, comfort itself was a southern idea with no place in the mind of a Nuk, and so the wild-looking ranger had kept his eyes on the horizon as they travelled. His horn-backed bow (ah, the pride of wielding a weapon of his own make) was held at the ready with an arrow notched, eyes peeled for both foes and prey.

The affectations of the youngest high-blood were both strange and familiar to the Wanderer. Born into the care of the wise women of his people, he well understood that the girl was speaking with the spirits of this place. So young, though, to be hearing clearly enough to converse.

Sharp Nuk eyes easily caught the motion on the horizon, giving ample excuse for the Wanderer to slip free from his saddle, a simple glare and a spoken ”Stand.” holding the trained beast in place.

Stalking wide of the group, he scanned both the oncoming tattered warriors and the path behind, an arrow held taught on the string.

Spoiler: OoC
Wild Empathy (1d20-1)[13]
Perception (1d20+7)[23]