Quote Originally Posted by Ghostfoot View Post
Inga doesn't even acknowledge Skorri's response, simply turning her horse and showing her back to him, the horse itself choosing this moment to break wind at him.
"Truly, a fitting melody to herald the departure of our jarl's eldest daughter," Skorri half-whispers as Inga rides out of earshot. "It would seem that both rider and mount have airs about them, and neither particularly pleasant." He grins broadly, gripping the reigns and nudging his own horse in the ribs, spurring it into trot after the girls.

The young skald's eyes widen in surprise as Fastvi begins removing her smock, which turns into a pleased chuckle as she reveals the tunic and trousers beneath. Well, well - it seems that Fastvi has a hidden adventurous streak, he thinks to himself, as the girl rides around the group. The jarl is going to have his hands full with that one before long!

Quote Originally Posted by DrK View Post
Freyja Skirlaug

the Giantess bounds along beside the horses, her long stride more or less keeping pace with horses as she clatters along, longspear in hand and watchful for danger. SHe lets the men watch the two older girls as she stays closer to the youngest. A youth being spat upon and cursed and spending much of her time with the seers and priests having left her used to slightly odd behavior as she ignores the small child talking to herself. She looks at SKorri with a surprised look - "I'b be impressed to see horses that big. But I'm with you. A solid wooden deck, a strong rower and an enemy boat to board is where joy can be found." She glances back to the young girls, speaking more softly to the young bard - "Is there trouble brewing that Jarl would fear for the safety of his daughters so much?"
"Ha! You wouldn't even believe half of the things I've seen in the southlander ports I've visited," Skorri replies, pleased to have an audience, even if it is only the giant-kin woman. "I think they're all a bit gods-touched, and not in a good way." His eyes can't help but stray to the strange, muttering young Runa. "Maybe it's all that sun and hot weather; it must cook their brains. They have some interesting drinks, though; and interesting girls..." he trails off, belatedly realising that such tales probably wouldn't amuse his current audience. He coughs, and lowers his voice "No trouble brewing yet, but..." he glances around, making sure that the girls aren't listening too closely. "It would seem that Inga there is getting wed, and when a jarl's child weds, that means alliances and politics. Some of the other jarls might take offence at the alliance, or seek advantage from the wedding - a bride-to-be is doubly valuable, to both her family and that of her intended husband."

When the riders are spied upon the trail, Skorri rides up alongside Gunnar and readies his shield, though does not reach for a weapon. "What do you think?" he asks, deferring to the experience of the older man. "Ride up and meet them, or wait here until they pass?" He scans the group of riders, looking for anything that might give some clue to their identity.

Perception: (1d20+3)[8]