Quote Originally Posted by Prime32 View Post
I mean, the manga skipping books 3-4 was partly justified by expecting the audience to have watched it in the anime already... and partly by the villain of that arc being so absolutely despicable (he's a sadistic bully who spends most of book 3 reducing the protagonists to tears) that I've seen people stop watching the anime because of him.
Personally, I'm concerned with any alterations to the story... but there are certainly times when it's for the better, particularly when something needs to be abridged. If they allude to those events without playing out the entire trauma, it sounds like it was for the better.

Changes are more often what get under my skin. The worst examples are usually when American companies decide to dumb stories down because they think that they're too nuanced, or too foreign. "Jelly donuts", anyone?* XD

* - More as an extreme/obvious/humorous example than a serious instance of story alteration.