I'd much rather discover friendlies from the safety of a fortified position - then hostiles while standing around in the open, like a fool.

Spoiler: Demolitions!

Felidae has nothing of the sort. So that's great.

So Felidae has several points on her agenda:

- Is the fallen tower top useful as a defensive position? Does it offer lines of sight and fire as well as cover?
- If we can get into defensive position, I'd like a ring of flares lighting up the approaches, to give us an advantage over anyone approaching.
- Lastly, I'd like to try and frag the ice covering the entries to the part of the tower still upright. The ice might be the original, uncovered windows. The tower might be clear inside. It might also be a better defensive position.
- For the fragging, if nothing better presents itself, Felidae will try to pack snow around the grenade, to keep it pressed against the ice - and direct as much of the force towards it - then pull the ring.
- She will also warn the others to stand well clear.

I just hope we have time for this before the shots start flying.