Quote Originally Posted by A.J.Gibson View Post
Unofficially, don't expect anything for a while. Adam wants to see how PF2e plays out and what 'fixes' it might need (by the looks of 4chan, a lot). Until then, there is more SoP stuff to write (and hopefully some SoM stuff, too).

Personally, when I look at the new classes, I can see how easy conversions will be. Basically:
-you retain your spell point pool from the original class
-for every level of spell casting, gain a magical talent
-for every 2 cantrips you receive, gain a magical talent
-whenever you gain a talent, you gain a spell point
-'Extra Magical Talent' is a class feat for all spherecasting classes
Of course, you have to rewrite all the existing material - or at least the best material. I know I really want to rewrite the War sphere - and maybe cut half of it out. You also have to rewrite several aspects of the original classes; anything that refers to spell slots, or the like. I would assume we would do something with our own classes as well.


What's wrong with the war sphere? I think it has a lot of cool interactions! It's a magic version of the Warleader Sphere, and a character using both is absolutely hilarious in the buff department.