Quote Originally Posted by Jasdoif View Post
Speaking of Yu...what odds do we put on it being short for Yunji?
Quote Originally Posted by ti'esar View Post
Yunji's actually a preexisting member of the Sapphire Guard, from a WaXP bonus strip.
Spoiler: Very minor book spoiler
She and another paladin named Jiaya were going to go to dinner with Miko, but Miko started complaining about the proposed restaurant's moral character, so they pretended to be dating to get out of it (and are seen actually making out in a later bonus strip.)

I haven't gotten this yet (planning to due to all the positive praise, but I do already have the Kickstarter PDFs), so I'd have to check when I do to see if they're actually the same.
I'd give very long odds indeed, since Yu's hair is substantially longer than either woman's hair in that bonus strip. (Unless Yunji cut her hair a lot shorter when she came out?)

Spoiler: further minor book spoilers
Also worth noticing in that bonus page is that Miko implies both Yunji and Jiaya are commoners. Which ties in even more thoroughly with O-Chul mentioning that Yunji was with him and Lien when they went to get food down at the docks: the commoners were hanging out together.