Quote Originally Posted by factotum View Post
That happened in the first game as well? If you had a WAR type battle, you'd dispatch the first set of enemies, then be given the option of fighting another batch with the same set of characters. I don't think I've seen it happen in the second one, though, not sure why that is. As for the choices--yeah, it can be annoying when you make what seems like an innocent statement and end up being forced to fight and kill a character who's been there since the start of the first game!
Oops, totally forgot the first game. I'd wish they use more excuses to actually utilize the many characters you have on your side rather than be limited to this abstract number, but eh.

And yeah, sometimes the options can be really vague as to their consequences. They could have added some more "ask your companions for advice" options for starters, but I get the feeling that they intentionally kept the dialogue parts a bit simple. Or I don't know.