Quote Originally Posted by rooster707 View Post
What’re you in the mood for?
Something as good as ME3, that I already own?

I beat BG2 a couple months ago, and can't get into the idea of playing again. Every time I *do* think about it, I just say "Why don't I play a bard, like last time", and suddenly, I don't care about it anymore.

My playthrough of IWD2 is based on hacking the CR system by adding characters every so often... I'm going to add a druid once I pass the druids/get to the Icewall so my party CR drops, then add a monk after I get through the Black Raven Monastery, and maybe a snakeblooded tiefling after the Yuan-ti. Do that and your effective party level drops a lot, and you get more XP.

Borderlands has kind of been "I want to shoot things ridiculously right now"... I tried starting NV again, but after going having to drop my TTW playthough due to computer problems, I just can't get back into it.

So, I'm floating.