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Thread: EdroGrimshell's PrC Compendium

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    Firbolg in the Playground
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    Oct 2008

    Default Re: EdroGrimshell's PrC Compendium


    Entry Requirements
    Base Attack Bonus:
    Base Fortitude: +4
    Base Will: +4
    Special: Must be able to take Nonlethal Damage
    Special: Must have survived an encounter with a creature of a higher CR than their own.

    Hit Die: d10

    Level BAB Fort Ref Will Special
    1st +1 +2 +0 +2 Tireless
    2nd +2 +3 +0 +3 Tenacity
    3rd +3 +3 +1 +3 Determination
    Class Skills: Any ten skills as class skills, chosen on taking their first level of this class. 4 + Int Modifier Skill Points.

    Wpn/Arm Prof: The Hero gains proficiency with three martial weapons (or one exotic weapon) of their choice, with light and medium armor, and with shields (excluding tower shields).

    Tireless (Ex): Whenever the Hero is subject to a negative status condition, they may take nonlethal damage to negate the effect. The Hero may do so at any time, even if they normally cannot take an action.

    Additionally, the Hero heals nonlethal damage every ten minutes instead of every hour.

    Spoiler: Tireless
    Status Condition Nonlethal Damage
    Ability Damage 5/Point
    Ability Drain/Burn 15/Point
    Blinded 15
    Confused 10
    Cowering 20
    Dazed 5
    Dazzled 2
    Dead* 20
    Deafened 15
    Diseased 15
    Energy Drain 20/Level
    Entangled 15
    Exhausted 10
    Fascinated 7
    Fatigued 5
    Frightened 10
    Nauseated 10
    Panicked 15
    Paralyzed 15
    Petrified 20
    Poisoned 10
    Shaken 5
    Sickened 5
    Stunned 10

    *This condition prevents instant death effects, it does not allow you to live when reduced below -10 hit points (unless you can go below this number normally) or when your Con is reduced to 0 or lower.

    Tenacity (Ex): At 2nd level, the Hero gains the action points as described here. If your campaign already uses Action Points, instead grant the Hero the Heroic Spirit feat as a bonus feat.

    Additionally, the Hero is immune to the Fatigued and Exhausted conditions.

    Determination (Ex): At 3rd level, the Hero gains the ability to take 10 points of nonlethal damage in place of spending an action point.

    Additionally, the Hero heals nonlethal damage every minute instead of every hour.
    Last edited by EdroGrimshell; 2023-06-11 at 03:40 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by GFawkes View Post
    You didn't poke fate with a stick. You set fate on fire, then whacked it with a 2x4 several times.
    Quote Originally Posted by blackwind1kaze View Post
    good thing they did body attribute instead of Physical attribute, otherwise the stats would look like:

    P. hysical
    M. ind
    S. pirit



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