That was... to the point. Not offensive, but moving far more quickly than he'd expected. Wic's heart almost skips a beat as his mind races to catch up to the conversation. He coughs politely, moving his cane off of his case as the subject of sharing tea comes up. Once Slang is done, Wirric nods in agreement with their synopsis of the facts, "We're cognizant of the fact that asking most folk about such matters might prove... disruptive. And while we've just arrived, I suspect the passage of the Sun's chosen has already left a significant mark upon this city. No sense in risking making matters worse."

With a flick of a strap, Wic opens his hefty case. For the first time, Slang can see what lies within: a veritable cornucopia of jars and bottles, each in a carefully padded compartment. Nestled below, seperated by a sheet of leather, lies space for yet more racks of herbs and liquids. This is an alchemical treasure trove: the fruits of Wirric's slow and careful trade since his Exaltation, and worth more dinars than any humble coin pouch could hope to hold.

The northerner's eyes meanwhile are on Grandmother Bright. He's back in his element now, smiling easily at the ancient goddess with a gleam in his eyes. "All we'd ask is a little of your time, and some polite conversation about recent goings on. I assure you, Grandmother, my tea is worth such a price. I hate to brag, but with careful choice and a steady hand, I can make a brew that could charm the fae away from the Wyld. And I'm a member of the Guild: that's not an idle boast." The sorcerer chuckles, sounding as assured as he can. Always sell high. Always promise the best you're capable of. To do anything else when dealing with a god is an invitation to be ignored and cast aside.

This feels like it could be a bargain or persuade action... I'm leaning persuade, hitting an intimacy towards Chairoscuro: Bright will want to know what we're up to and if we pose a threat. Talking to us is more in her interests than kicking us out.

(18d10)[8][8][2][8][4][10][8][8][1][1][2][1][6][3][6][2][3][1](82) 5 Presence + 4 Charisma + 2 stunt + 1 Tiger's Dread + 3 Harmonious Presence + 3 for Listener Swaying Discource, which I'm now invoking with Wic's major principle 'Never be afraid to meddle', which'll also throw a bonus success on there. Might regret that, but don't want Bright to stay neutral: want her to help us complete this investigation without getting disruptive.