Oh yay its my favourite topic again :/

There seems to be a fundamental misunderstanding in these discussions, deliberate or not. No one is trying to force anyone to date, have sex with, whatever, anyone. But when we say that not wanting to date "trans people" (as opposed to "a trans person") transphobic, its an attempt to get you to examine why you think like that and understand what is the underlying base.

And in the end it comes back to the fact that people are unwilling to accept that oppression is systemic and everyone is guilty of it. We've been sold a narrative of The Oppressor as a villian that it becomes almost impossible to identify when that oppression benefits us, and harder still to push back against it. Its also why there is a difference between a cis person saying "i wont date trans people" and a trans person saying they wont date cis people. Theres a power imbalance there that benefits all cis people whether they are aware of it or not

Again, no one wants to force you to date anyone. Just recognize where your preference is coming from and understand the systemic inequalities it enforces