Quote Originally Posted by The Extinguisher View Post
Sure, but a persons skin tone is the sole determinant when youre talking about not dating people because of their skin tone which is what we are doing.
Since no one is saying that and you are just making this hypothetical person, it's a strawman. No one is saying they have a sole criteria, full stop. Skin color, hair color, etc etc etc. You're saying we're saying that and we're not.

Quote Originally Posted by The Extinguisher View Post
Looks its not my place to explain systemic racism to you and i dont want to explain systemic homophobia and transphobia to you. Google is free.
I don't want you to either, because you're an insanely biased source and believe it or not, I know fairly well the areas we're discussing. The problem here, at least for you, is I don't agree with your conclusion. Shock of shocks.

People who are racist won't date people for their race. People who are homophobic...aren't going to date people of their own sex (though there's quite the correlation between homophobia and being gay so..maybe they will eventually), etc etc etc. That does not mean someone who prefers a skin tone or a hair color (preference, not sole criteria) is racist. Preferences aren't biases. Well. Not in the way you're wanting them to be.

As others have pointed out, it's the same as not wanting to date someone short or tall or fat or anything else. I'm 5'3''. That's a whooping 160cm, and I'm male. Think my dating pool's been especially vibrant? I didn't internalize all the rejection I got from men or women because of my height as some sort of anti-short bias. I understood they had a preference and while I wish they hadn't....they had and I had to get over it. I'm not entitled to date everyone I want to date and I'm certainly not entitled to have sex with everyone I want to have sex with.

Quote Originally Posted by The Extinguisher View Post
Yes. Because, shocking i know, white western culture is built around white supremacy.
But no other culture is built around supremacy. So you best get your flogs out and beat yourself for the sin of being born.