Quote Originally Posted by Delta View Post
That... has absolutely nothing to do with what I asked, sorry. I feel like we're running in circles now with you moving the goalposts rapidly because you know full well that the canon is rather clear on this matter. If you truly think that knowing the fact "The Inquisition exists" requires, in game terms, the "Forbidden Lore (Inquisition)" skill and that it is a "heinous crime" to possess that knowledge, you are absolutely, 100% wrong, I can't put it in simpler terms than that.
You asked about mutants. I answered. Seems pretty salient to me. If anyone is movinng goalposts, you're moving them for me; my claim is that knowledge of the Inquisition is Forbidden Lore and that there is no Common Lore regarding it. That's a rule (if not lore). It's not a definitive statement that no-one has ever heard of the Inquisition without that skill, but it's a good indicator of how rare and sanctioned any knowledge of them is, or should be, including their existence. That's my claim.

I could go into the details of why novels are a bad example of canon lore, but I doubt I really need to (plus I'm at work, so don't have the time right now; if you would like me to expound on that point, let me know).