"The fact of the matter is, if Eibon, and even Izanagi, had this grand conspiracy, they did not tell either of us. Despite her wisdom, power, and skill, the Yellow Ki-Rin Empress is one of our youngest members, so they may have judged her too "fresh" to approach. As for myself..."

He sighed, and for just a moment he looked his full age.

"I tend to get lost in my work, Commander. The demands upon me mean this is a virtue and not a vice, but it is still the truth. Combine that dedication with the fact that I've never been one to wish to suborn the King's place in reality, and it's not a shocking thought I'd have been excluded. If nothing else, had this conspiracy failed more spectacularly, the consequences of the only person able to forge Soul Cutting Swords being executed would have been...steep. Perhaps another reason I need a worthwhile apprentice, but still."