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Thread: Sorcadin leveling question, 5/5 or 6/4?

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    Troll in the Playground

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    Jun 2015

    Default Re: Sorcadin leveling question, 5/5 or 6/4?

    Quote Originally Posted by samcifer View Post
    So looking over the paladin mc variations, I've settled on vengeance pal / ds sorc. I figure he'd start at a minimum of lv. 10 and for creating him, I'm stuck on which way to go after lv. 9 with v pal 5 / ds sorc 4. The lv. 3 spells for sorcs are REALLY good, but lots of people swear by the pal 6 feature to increase saving throw values. Either way I'd have the same number of spell slots: 4, 3, 3, 1.

    For reference, here's the character thus far (note that stats might change as these are not official numbers as of yet...

    Fallen Assmir, Armor: Plate, Weapon: Halberd (hopefully I can start him with a masterwork for +2 or even +3 to hit - the DM allows us to purchase me weapons) ASI 1: Polearm Master, ASI 2: GWM

    STR: 18 (17 + 1), DEX: 14 CON: 16, INT: 8, WIS: 10, CHA: 18 (16 + 2)

    I want to play him as a gish, being able to melee or spellcast to offer me more flexibility on how I approach combat. Up until now I've always played ranged casters (except on my current moon druid character), gishes have a fair amount of appeal to me. As a note, my next ASI (assuming I wouldn't need to increase my STR), will be to take either Toughness to compensate for the lower HP from the sorc levels, or Alert to improve my initiative rolls. The main goal for this character is to do as much melle dmg. as possible whrn innmelee, but have some ranged and defensive spells to mix things up as well as compensate for times when I cannot reach any foes during a single turn to hit them, letting me hit them for at least some damage at range.
    Honestly? Pick whatever you want.
    Both are great.

    Advantage 6/4: much more resilient overall, even number of Sorcery points.
    Advantage 5/5: you get two (with spell swap) among Haste, Counterspell, Fear, Hypnotic Pattern, Spirit Guardian, Fly...
    Pick Quicken and either Extend or Subtle depending on your outfight focus and spell selection.

    Quicken Haste or Spirit Guardian at start of fight can be dreadful for enemies. I'd just be a be wary of using Haste until I get my 11th level as a Paladin.
    As you may have guessed, I have a slight preference myself for the second "in void" because I tend to rather play mobile gishes, but really both are equally good, pick depending on your taste and expected party composition/roles (if you have to be the lone frontliner for example, no question, 6/4).
    Last edited by Citan; 2018-09-27 at 05:41 PM.