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    Ettin in the Playground

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Perth, West Australia

    Default Re: Kingmaker in the Forgotten Realms [IC thread]

    Fells, east of the Greenbelt, the Border Kingdoms
    Afternoon, Fifth of Kythorn, Year of Lightning Storms (1374 DR)

    The man hissed and clenched his teeth as Dergosh pulled the harpoon out. The half-orc cleric only had a second or so to check the wound before the man clapped his hand over it, but it was enough: there'd been a lot of blood loss, but no artery seemed to have been cut, and the major veins weren't impacted either. The man still didn't look too well, of course, but he didn't pass out either; tough little ape, this one.

    Then Three was talking to him. And when the warforged asked whether or not he was a werewolf, the reaction was clear: paling of the face, sudden shivering. The man's brows drew together as she spoke...

    Spoiler: Three
    Going to need a Diplomacy check from you here, since while Gakan's made him friendly to him, whether that remains the case as it relates to you having made that suggestion is another. Aside from the +1 from your Bandit trait that I'm ruling you can apply here, you can also add a +4 from Gakan's efforts to the roll - along with any other modifiers that apply.

    ...and, gingerly shifting himself into a slightly better sitting position, stared up at the partymembers around him with an even look. His face wasn't pale anymore, and he was getting his balance back. "Nnnn--thanks for pulling that harpoon out, anyway. Not sure why you think I'm a threat. There's six of you, one of me, you're all armed, and you took my sword off me. You think you've got all these signs that say I'm a werewolf, well, so what if I am? Doesn't make the guy hunting me any less crazy. Never did anything to him, he's just another cornball Chauntea-kissing farmer who thinks anybody strange deserves retribution from nature or something."

    Spoiler: Three
    Again, the man was lying. This time about whoever was hunting him.

    Spoiler: Korlann
    No. That didn't seem right. It wasn't exactly clear what the man was lying about, but there was a particular sensation that tingled Korlann's spines when someone was trying to put one over him, and his spines were humming.

    Spoiler: Kuros
    What? No, there was something wrong with that. Maybe this guy was a werewolf - talk about stories and legends coming to life! - but he wasn't being wholly truthful here.

    Spoiler: Ruk
    Ruk doubted very much that the man hunting this fellow was crazy. Or that this man -- werewolf -- was just another cornball farmer. Cornball rubes didn't get silver harpoons made for them, weapons designed primarily to slow an enemy down and keep him from running. This creature was running its mouth a lot harder than the harpoons allowed him to move his legs.

    Spoiler: Gakan
    Oh, shut up, shut up, you idiot, the worst thing you can do when trying to lie your way out of a situation is to keep talking. Keep it short, keep it simple, keep a lie sandwiched between truths. Don't get us asking why you're being hunted. Gakan couldn't predict the future, but he suspected this man's one contained a lot of harpoons.

    Spoiler: Dergosh
    Dergosh was genuinely impressed. It took a lot of guts to run one's mouth when outnumbered and unarmed. The half-orc cleric idly wondered whether said guts might need a visual inspection to see exactly how much guts the man had.